Sunday, September 26, 2010

What a Pearl!

More pics of Pearl and some of the boats from Lewis and Clark.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

First Week Aboard

The Com-Pac 23 is pretty roomy.  We've slept aboard for 7 of the last 8 nights and there seems to be plenty of interior space.  As far as I know, there have been no threats to life or limb.  With today's gadgets we have been able to watch a movie every night, check our email and facebook, listen to the ipod over the ship's radio and make coffee every day.   Really, is there anything else one needs?  We were able to sail with Dave, Dahv and Scout a few times (more pics to follow), early in the week and there is no doubt we would still be sitting at the ramp trying to figure out how to rig Pearl had they not been willing to help.


48.1NM logged

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Sail

On Saturday, we sailed Pearl for the first time.  Initial rigging/set-up took 4 + hours, but we should be able to trim that down significantly with a little practice.  Pearl slipped off the trailer without a hitch.  The motor seemed a little bit cold blooded, but she did eventually fire up and has been very reliable since.  Pearl points way better than expected.. She plows through waves and makes them feel like ripples, assuming her weight has something to do with the smooth ride. We overnighted on Pearl for the first time last night.  More pics to follow.  Here are some pics of the shake down cruise and the morning view.

